Best Digital Bathroom Scale – [current_date] Reviews & Buyers Guide

[highlight color=”pink” content=”%3Cp%3EThere%20can%20be%20a%20plethora%20of%20reasons%20behind%20wanting%20a%20new%20scale%20for%20your%20home.%20From%20keeping%20in%20touch%20with%20your%20weight%20for%20health%20reasons%2C%20gaining%20for%20sports%20reasons%2C%20or%20losing%20for%20personal%20reasons%2C%20having%20one%20on%20hand%20has%20endless%20benefits.%20While%20tracking%20your%20weight%20goals%2C%20it%E2%80%99s%20vital%20to%20have%20a%20consistently%20accurate%20scale%20reading%20to%20be%20able%20to%20set%20good%20fitness%20goals.%3C%2Fp%3E” /]

Getting an accurate digital scale for your home can transform the way you tackle your weight for the better. However, there are many factors incorporated into getting the best reading of your weight, from calibrating the scale to placing it on the right surfaces.

If you’re looking for a piece of equipment to help you with your weight goals, then rather than getting a digital bathroom scale from Walmart, you can easily get started from those compiled in the list below!

Information Every Buyer Should Know When Buying a Digital Scale

No matter what you wish your goal to be, if you want numerical proof of your progress, you’re going to want a scale in your journey. Compared to their mechanical counterparts, which require human interaction, digital scales are more convenient and easier to read. But in order to provide a precise measurement of how much you weigh, you’ll need to first ensure some prerequisites are set in place.

Placing Scale on the Right Surfaces

  • Do you have carpet in your home? If so, then avoid these places when looking to place your scale. Depending on how soft the flooring is, it can cause small fluctuations in your weight. Instead, choose flooring such as tile, wood, or concrete for more truthful measurement.

Consistently Weighing-in

  • Picking and sticking to a consistent time of day and week to check your weight can help you determine its most authentic number. The food and water we consume throughout the day can make our weight bounce from one to about four pounds higher than what we really are.
  • It has actually been shown that weighing yourself first thing in the morning will portray most accurate picture of your weight. Still seeing fluctuations? Check out these scenarios that may be the culprit.

Re-calibrating the scale

  • This is one that you may find surprising. If you happen to move your scale, even if it’s a few feet, then you must give it time to calibrate. This means the scale will reset its internal “zero” in order to give you the best reading it can.
  • To obtain optimal results, step onto the scale and allow about three seconds for the most accurate reading. If you move around while it is taking a reading, you could interfere with the scale’s measurements.
  • If you’re not comfortable with the scale’s size to stand upright, opt for a scale with a wider base.

Know When to Replace

  • If you’ve had your scale for years on end and don’t remember when you bought it, it may be time to get a new one. Like most products, the constant operation over the years could cause the scale to show signs of overuse. To keep on top of your weight, you should also keep on top of the machinery you use.
  • With this list down below, you’ll have a wide variety of options to choose from when selecting your new scale. Start finding the best digital bathroom scale for your fitness and health goals today!

Best Digital Bathroom Scale

[product_tables id=”1292″]

[numbered-heading label=”Etekcity Digital Body Weight Bathroom Scale with Step-On Technology” /]

If your weight wanders between the higher 300s and lower 400s and get this scale, it will actually alert you when you’re reaching the limit it can hold. Not only will this prevent any damage from befalling the scale, but it actually prolongs its life. This durable scale, although glass, can also withstand drops and trips, bringing its total lifespan to well over a year.

[highlight color=”pink” content=”%3Cp%3EThis%20stylish%20etekcity%20digital%20body%20weight%20bathroom%20scale%20is%20a%20little%20heavy%20due%20to%20the%20tempered%20glass%20on%20top%2C%20but%20this%20factors%20into%20its%20durability.%20The%20pads%20on%20the%20bottom%20provide%20enough%20friction%20to%20keep%20this%20in%20place%20as%20you%20step%20on%20it.%20With%20accuracy%20and%20safety%20in%20mind%2C%20opting%20for%20this%20elegant%20scale%20could%20work%20in%20your%20favor.%3C%2Fp%3E” /]

[pros-and-cons pros=”-Backed by lifetime support from Etekcity
-Anti-skid padding
-Measures up to 400 lbs-Overload indication” cons=”-Heavier than other scales” /]

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[numbered-heading label=”Innotech Digital Bathroom Scale with Easy-to-Read Backlit LCD” /]

On top of being able to adapt to any place in your home through its gorgeous design, the glass which adorns the scale is shatter resistant. This brings long durability and reliability to your Innotech product. Although lightweight and seemingly small, its accurate sensors can bring you optimal results within seconds.

[highlight color=”pink” content=”%3Cp%3EReading%20numbers%20on%20this%20piece%20is%20easy%20and%20quick%20due%20to%20the%20sharp%20contrast%20between%20the%20positive%20and%20negative%20blue.%20This%20scale%20can%20also%20switch%20between%20the%20three%20main%20measurements%20of%20weight–%20lbs%2C%20kgs%2C%20and%20st–%20with%20a%20click%20of%20a%20button.%20Even%20if%20this%20scale%20does%20not%20weigh%20as%20heavily%20as%20its%20counterparts%2C%20it%E2%80%99s%20great%20for%20straightforward%20setup%20and%20crisp%20readings.%3C%2Fp%3E” /]

[pros-and-cons pros=”-Scratch and shatter resistant
-Negative backlit LED display
-No assembly needed
-Accurate sensors” cons=”-Measures less than 400 lbs” /]

[call2action label=”See Product Details on Amazon” link=”” color=”yellow” rel=”no-follow” target=”blank” /]

[numbered-heading label=”Nokia Body – Bmi Wi-Fi Scale” /]

Who knew they needed the weather on a weight tracking app? Nokia accomplishes this and much more. It’s great to use in a family for custom-tailored weight tracking management. After each weigh-in, you can instantly see the variations in your BMI through their system. This, along with personalized feedback, will be yours to access anywhere to go rather than just at your scale.

On the product, the screen even displays the last eight measurements it took to calculate BMI for you to easily compare the numbers. In the app, you can do everything from setting a weight goal to logging foods with a built-in nutrition calculator, enabling a way to faithfully track the journey to your ideal body.

[highlight color=”pink” content=”%3Cp%3EIf%20you%20are%20expecting%2C%20but%20wonder%20how%20much%20weight%20you%E2%80%99ve%20gained%20due%20to%20the%20pregnancy%2C%20this%20scale%20also%20has%20a%20mode%20to%20calculate%20the%20numbers.%20Want%20to%20weigh%20your%20baby%20or%20toddler%3F%20It%E2%80%99s%20as%20easy%20as%20holding%20them%20in%20your%20arms%20as%20you%20step%20onto%20the%20scale.%20Large%20families%20and%20expecting%20mothers%20alike%20will%20find%20endless%20benefits%20in%20Nokia%E2%80%99s%20product.%3C%2Fp%3E” /]

[pros-and-cons pros=”-Personalized modes for each family member (up to 8)
-Comes with baby and pregnancy modes
-Incorporated weather report
-Can track progress via BMI on app” cons=”-Needs time to connect to apps aside from its own” /]

[call2action label=”See Product Details on Amazon” link=”” color=”yellow” rel=”no-follow” target=”blank” /]

[numbered-heading label=”EatSmart Precision Plus Digital Bathroom Scale with Ultra-Wide Platform” /]

Looking for more room on an Eatsmart precision plus digital bathroom scale? This product could be the winner! With a whopping 15 inches of foot room, it has never been easier to stand naturally on a scale. This, along with its ability to turn on instantly upon contact makes this scale a much more comfortable option for those who need the space.

Although most scales top at 400, this one adds on an extra 40 pounds to help you find your most accurate weight. The LED screen is over four inches wide, so it’s easy to see even in darker times of the day. Its slim design allows it to still be tucked away into any crooks of our bathroom, making this bigger scale a highly convenient option.

[highlight color=”pink” content=”%3Cp%3EOther%20scales%20by%20this%20brand%2C%20such%20as%20the%20Eatsmart%20precision%20calpal%20digital%20bathroom%20scale%2C%20have%20large%2C%20positive%20influences%20in%20the%20digital%20scales%20scene.%20Getting%20one%20could%20be%20the%20one%20of%20the%20best%20decisions%20of%20your%20health%20journey.%3C%2Fp%3E” /]

[pros-and-cons pros=”-Turns on instantly through step-on technology
-15” Wide Platform for all foot sizes
-Measures up to 440 lbs
-Ideal for bigger boned people” cons=”-Fragile if knocked over” /]

[call2action label=”See Product Details on Amazon” link=”” color=”yellow” rel=”no-follow” target=”blank” /]

[numbered-heading label=”Digital Body Weight Bathroom Scale by GreaterGoods” /]

Thin, simple, and swift, this scale is perfect for those who want a minimalistic look. The feet of this particular product comes with not slip pads, so the scale will stay in place while you are being weighed. If your floors are more prone to scratches, opt for this scale to protect them.

[highlight color=”pink” content=”%3Cp%3EYou%20don%E2%80%99t%20have%20to%20worry%20about%20the%20calibration%20on%20this%20one%20either%2C%20as%20it%20does%20that%20automatically.%20It%20also%20switches%20easily%20between%20kg%20and%20lbs%20at%20the%20touch%20of%20a%20button.%20For%20consistency%2C%20accuracy%2C%20and%20a%20cushion%20between%20the%20equipment%20and%20the%20floor%2C%20definitely%20give%20this%20scale%20a%20shot.%20If%20you%20wish%20to%20find%20the%20most%20accurate%20digital%20bathroom%20scale%2C%20then%20this%20is%20definitely%20a%20strong%20competitor.%3C%2Fp%3E” /]

[pros-and-cons pros=”-Sleek, minimal look
-Non-slip and scratch resistant
-Four weighing sensors for accurate readings” cons=”-Battery may die quickly” /]

[call2action label=”See Product Details on Amazon” link=”” color=”yellow” rel=”no-follow” target=”blank” /]

[numbered-heading label=”Etekcity Digital Body Weight Bathroom Scale” /]

Super convenient and auto-calibrating, this scale easily gives accurate readings in both pounds and kilograms. It gives consistent measurements within a 0.2 lb or 3 oz range for optimal weight tracking. While the screen may not be as bright as others, it is still very easy to read with appropriate lighting.

[highlight color=”pink” content=”%3Cp%3EEtekcity%20makes%20their%20scale%20extremely%20durable%20by%20making%20their%20glass%20platform%208%20mm%2C%20enabling%20its%20lifetime%20to%20last%20for%20years.%20It%E2%80%99ll%20alert%20you%20when%20the%20battery%20is%20low%20and%20auto-zero%20when%20you%E2%80%99re%20not%20using%20it.%20It%20even%20comes%20with%20a%20free%20body%20tape%20for%20another%20way%20to%20track%20your%20progress%20over%20time.%3C%2Fp%3E” /]

If you’re looking for something strong that’ll help you focus on your weight journey, this product may be for you!

[pros-and-cons pros=”-Free body tape included
-Reliable measurements
-Resilient strength
-Very versatile” cons=”-LED light may be too dim for some” /]

[call2action label=”See Product Details on Amazon” link=”” color=”yellow” rel=”no-follow” target=”blank” /]

[numbered-heading label=”RENPHO Bluetooth Body Fat Scale” /]

No matter what the app you prefer to track your exercise in is, you can link this scale to it and see your weight on more familiar platform. Familiar with Apple Health, Google Fit, or Fitbit? With this scale, you can easily track your weight on the go through these programs, or through RENPHO’s personal app.

[highlight color=”pink” content=”%3Cp%3EUnlike%20traditional%20scales%20that%20only%20show%20body%20weight%2C%20this%20one%20also%20shows%20BMI%2C%20percentage%20of%20body%20fat%2C%20and%20many%20others.%20Regardless%20of%20if%20you%20have%20your%20phone%20on%20you%20or%20not%20when%20you%20check%20your%20weight%2C%20it%20will%20automatically%20link%20to%20your%20device!%20Along%20with%20auto-calibration%20and%20the%206mm%20platform%2C%20this%20scale%20is%20great%20if%20you%20prefer%20to%20take%20a%20deeper%20look%20into%20your%20body%E2%80%99s%20measurements.%3C%2Fp%3E” /]

[pros-and-cons pros=”-Can sync with various fitness apps
-Shows 11 different measurements
-6mm tempered glass” cons=”-Calibrating Bluetooth may take time” /]

[call2action label=”See Product Details on Amazon” link=”” color=”yellow” rel=”no-follow” target=”blank” /]

[numbered-heading label=”Kinzi New Precision Digital Bathroom Scale” /]

If you have any troubles with your vision, this scale may be the ideal one for you! It comes with a wide LED display to easily take note of your weight. Included are German, high-precision sensors to easily bring you the numbers you need for tracking. There’s no need to worry about the battery life on this one, either– the scale automatically turns off until your next use.

[highlight color=”pink” content=”%3Cp%3EThis%20is%20a%20great%20option%20if%20you%20like%20more%20modern%20and%20slick%20pieces%20of%20technology%20in%20your%20home.%20There%E2%80%99s%20no%20touching%20the%20scale%20to%20reset%20it%20to%20zero%20in%20this%20one–%20it%E2%80%99s%20all%20done%20for%20you.%20With%20the%20lifetime%20guarantee%20and%20bright%20display%2C%20it%E2%80%99s%20hard%20to%20pass%20this%20one%20up!%3C%2Fp%3E” /]

[pros-and-cons pros=”-Extra large LED screen
-Can weigh up to 400 lbs
-Two lithium batteries included” cons=”-Cannot move at all to get accurate readings” /]

[call2action label=”See Product Details on Amazon” link=”” color=”yellow” rel=”no-follow” target=”blank” /]

[numbered-heading label=”EatSmart Precision Digital Bathroom Scale with Extra Large Lighted Display” /]

No batteries in your home, no problem! This eatsmart precision digital bathroom scale comes with a starting set of four to carry the burden of initial power-ups and weigh-ins. EatSmart includes a body tape measure in its package to further ease tracking your weight. This weight comes with an extra inch of room for comfort and a better stance when getting measured.

There’s no more tapping that scale for calibration, as this one does it all on its own! Traditional meets modern through its elevated, yet non-slip design. By sitting 1.8” off the floor, this piece of equipment is one that you simply can’t miss.

[highlight color=”pink” content=”%3Cp%3EThis%20even%20comes%20with%20a%20backlight%2C%20making%20it%20easy%20to%20see%20and%20locate%20in%20the%20dark.%20Grab%20yourself%20this%20eatsmart%20digital%20bathroom%20scale%20if%20you%E2%80%99re%20looking%20to%20get%20effortless%20weight%20measurements.%3C%2Fp%3E” /]

[pros-and-cons pros=”-8mm tempered glass top
-Non-slip top-Stands nearly 2” off ground
-Free tape measure” cons=”-Average lifespan is three years” /]

[call2action label=”See Product Details on Amazon” link=”” color=”yellow” rel=”no-follow” target=”blank” /]

[numbered-heading label=”AccuWeight Digital Bathroom Weight Scale” /]

If you’re looking for a extremely precise scale, opt for this Accuweight digital glass bathroom scale! Inside, it’s equipped with four high precision sensors to display an accurate weight within 0.2 lbs or 0.1 kgs. An extra bonus is that this scale is also able to measure in stones, or st, alongside the other well-known units (primarily used in Great Britain, Ireland, and Australia).

To allow your battery to last as long as possible, this scale has an auto-off mode, activated after ten seconds of no use. This scale will auto-zero, so there’s no extra actions needed on your part for calibration. The thick, 6mm glass is around 5 times stronger than normal glass, and is resistant to many types of cracks and damages.

[highlight color=”pink” content=”%3Cp%3EThis%20scale%20is%20perfect%20for%20easily%20checking%20your%20weight%20in%20the%20wide%20LED%20display%2C%20and%20for%20small%20spaces%20due%20to%20its%20slim%20figure.%20With%20a%20lifetime%20warranty%2C%20you%20simply%20can%E2%80%99t%20miss%20this%20one!%3C%2Fp%3E” /]

[pros-and-cons pros=”-Can weigh up to 400 pounds
-Three units of measurement
-Battery life indicator
-Thick 12” x 12” tempered glass top” cons=”-Batteries only last around half a year” /]

[call2action label=”See Product Details on Amazon” link=”” color=”yellow” rel=”no-follow” target=”blank” /]

Final Thoughts

[highlight color=”pink” content=”%3Cp%3EScales%20come%20with%20a%20wide%20array%20of%20functions%2C%20measurements%2C%20and%20styles%20to%20best%20fit%20your%20needs%20and%20budget.%20From%20simply%20getting%20one%20number%20back%20to%20getting%20upwards%20of%20eleven%2C%20scales%20are%20excellent%20accessories%20for%20obtaining%20concrete%20facts%20when%20looking%20after%20your%20health.%20However%2C%20like%20everything%20in%20life%2C%20scales%20are%20by%20no%20means%20a%20perfect%20way%20to%20diagnose%20something%20amiss%20in%20your%20body.%20If%20you%20feel%20something%20is%20off%2C%20and%20your%20scale%20does%20not%20seem%20to%20be%20the%20issue%2C%20please%20call%20a%20health%20professional.%3C%2Fp%3E” /]

Identifying your goals is an essential piece to getting the scale with all the correct functions you need on it. Also keep in mind the amount of available space you have and the size of your body can both affect the outcome of your purchase as well. Stick to proper methods of weighing yourself if you wish to receive stable, unchanging quality in your results.

With enough diligence, diving into the digital world of scales will not be daunting. If you’re willing to take that first step towards a numeric, concrete goal, digital scales are surely an unforgettable investment to have in your home.